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“Why might a woman stop singing after she gets married?”



"Why might a woman stop singing after she gets married?"

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“Why might a woman stop singing after she gets married?”

There’s no universal rule that women stop singing once they get married. However, there might be social, cultural, or personal reasons that might influence a woman’s decision to sing less or stop singing after marriage. Here are some potential factors:

  1. Cultural or Religious Beliefs: In some cultures or religious contexts, there might be a belief that married women should not perform in public or maintain a public presence, which might include singing.
  2. Family Obligations: After marriage, many women take on new roles and responsibilities, such as becoming a mother or taking care of a household. These increased responsibilities might not leave them with much time or energy to pursue singing.
  3. Shift in Priorities: Some individuals might voluntarily decide to focus more on their personal lives after marriage, putting hobbies or even careers on hold.
  4. Partner’s Beliefs or Preferences: In some cases, a partner might not be supportive of their spouse’s singing career or hobby, which could lead the individual to sing less or stop singing.
  5. Economic Reasons: Maintaining a career in music or singing can be financially unstable. After marriage, the need for a stable income might become a priority, leading one to take on a more consistent job.
  6. Lack of Support: In some cases, the societal expectation that married women should prioritize their family over personal interests might lead to a lack of support from family or the community when they wish to continue singing.
  7. Personal Choice: Some might choose to stop singing due to a change in personal interests or because they feel fulfilled in other aspects of life.
  8. Voice Changes: While not directly related to marriage, some people experience voice changes as they age, which can impact their confidence or ability to sing.

It’s essential to note that these are just potential reasons, and they won’t apply to everyone. Many women continue to sing and even have thriving music careers after marriage. Each individual’s decision regarding singing after marriage is deeply personal and influenced by a combination of factors.

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How to sing properly in the morning shortly after waking up



How to sing properly in the morning shortly after waking up

How to sing properly in the morning shortly after waking up

here’s a guideline for you:

  1. Hydrate: Drinking water is essential first thing in the morning because your vocal cords can become dehydrated during sleep.
  2. Warm Up Your Body: Before you start with vocal warm-ups, it can be helpful to do a little physical warm-up like stretching or jogging in place. This helps to increase blood flow throughout the body, including the throat.
  3. Gentle Vocal Warm-Ups: Start your vocal warm-ups softly and gently. Humming is a great way to start. Try humming in the mid-range of your voice and slowly work your way up and down in pitch.
  4. Lip Trills: Blow air out gently through closed lips, making them vibrate or “trill”. Start at a low pitch and slide up to a high pitch, and back down, all on one breath.
  5. Tongue Trills: Similar to lip trills, but this time rolling your ‘R’s. This can be a bit difficult for some people who can’t roll their R’s, so it’s optional.
  6. Sirens: Make a siren noise, going from your lowest note to your highest note and back down. This helps to gently stretch and warm up the vocal cords.
  7. Open Up Your Voice Gradually: As you continue with your warm-ups, start to open up your voice more and more. You can do scales, arpeggios, or even sing some simple songs that aren’t too demanding vocally.
  8. Avoid Caffeine and Dairy: Both can affect the voice in different ways. Caffeine can dehydrate, and dairy can create excess mucus which can hinder vocal clarity.
  9. Steam: Taking a warm shower or inhaling steam from a bowl can help to hydrate the vocal cords and clear out mucus.
  10. Practice Posture: Standing or sitting up straight can make it easier to sing by allowing your lungs to expand fully.
  11. Ease into Your Repertoire: Don’t jump straight into singing difficult songs. Start with easier tunes and gradually move to more demanding ones as your voice feels ready.

Remember, everyone’s voice is different. What works best for one person might not work for another. The key is to listen to your body and your voice and don’t push too hard, especially in the morning when the vocal cords might still be a bit stiff and dehydrated. With consistent practice and care, you’ll be able to sing beautifully at any time of day!

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Joshua Daniel stands out as a prominent figure in the blogging scene of Kaduna



Joshua Daniel stands out as a prominent figure in the blogging scene of Kaduna

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Joshua Daniel stands out as a prominent figure in the blogging scene of Kaduna


Joshua Daniel stands out as a prominent figure in the blogging scene of Kaduna, renowned as the owner of Let’s delve deeper into his influence and contribution:


Diverse Digital Footprint: Through his platform,, Joshua has carved a niche for himself, making a significant impact in the digital sphere. His dedication to producing quality content and ensuring his platform remains up-to-date is evident in the steady flow of articles, reviews, and features.

Bridging the Gap with Music: One of the distinguishing aspects of Joshua’s blog is its focus on music. Given the name “revelationmusik,” it’s clear that music is a cornerstone of his digital offerings, likely providing insights, reviews, or showcases of local, national, and perhaps even international music.

Engagement with the Kaduna Community: As a notable blogger in Kaduna, Joshua Daniel has not only built an online community but has also fostered relationships and engagement offline. He likely participates in or organizes local events, workshops, or seminars, further cementing his place as a key influencer in the region.

joshua daniel

Innovation and Evolution: The best bloggers are those who adapt to the changing digital landscape. Joshua’s recognition as a leading blogger suggests he’s adept at harnessing the latest tools, technologies, and trends to keep his audience engaged and his content relevant.

Collaborations and Networks: Joshua’s status in the Kaduna blogging scene likely affords him the opportunity to collaborate with other influencers, musicians, and creators. Such collaborations not only enhance the content on but also create a richer tapestry of insights and entertainment for his readers.

In sum, Joshua Daniel’s prominence as the owner of showcases the power of passion, dedication, and understanding of one’s audience. His contributions to the Kaduna digital and musical landscape are noteworthy, setting a standard for aspiring bloggers and digital enthusiasts in the region.

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Articles Your Ultimate Gateway to the Latest Hits


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